Waste Free Oceans is happy to announce a new strong partnership aimed at finding solutions to the ocean waste issue, with the multinational aerospace corporation, Airbus.
Within the frame of Digital Ventures, Airbus develop and execute new business models that enlarge their core business by adopting methodologies inspired by the start-up world. They are seeking to position themselves along the value chain of ocean waste, from helping collect waste in rivers, oceans and coastal lines until closing the loop of the circular economy by repurposing the recycled plastic.
Hence, the partnership between WFO and Airbus will focus on identifying the major waste patches in closed offshore locations, rivers and coastal lines, tracking for prediction of waste reaching the coastline or river mouths and validation of post-collection to have a proof of waste collection and help increase awareness on the activities implemented. WFO will benefit from the satellite imagery solutions provided by Airbus, who are eager to get involved and be part of the solution.
"Today no one can ignore the ocean plastics problem. No one and no company either. We simply hope that the bigger the company is, the bigger the impact will be. This is why we tackle the ocean plastics as an impact business, to get the biggest impact out of what our engineering, innovation, research and business task forces can provide.", said Michel Rousseau, Product and UX designer, Airbus Defence & Space.
Several other projects are planned by WFO for 2019, while projects having started previously will continue, all with the help of existing and new partners. As public awareness is increasing, WFO is confident in its capacity to develop more partnerships worldwide and engage in practically oriented actions to reduce the amount of litter.
For more information on WFO, please email: contact@wastefreeoceans.org.