Since the beginning of the year, seven new sponsors have joined forces with Waste Free Oceans, in order to protect the world’s oceans and waterways. These include Dow, the chemical company; proWIN, the German network marketing company that sells cosmetic products; Persan, a leader in the Spanish detergents and softeners sector; Jansy, the US packaging design company; Iglo, the Belgian frozen fish manufacturer; Keter, a leader in plastic home and outdoor storage solutions; and Stop the Water while using me!, the German natural cosmetics brand.
Moreover, two new companies have agreed to support the cause by donating a percentage of their sales to the foundation. Flamingos' Life, the Spanish sustainable sneakers brand, and Ebeness, the Romanian cosmetics brand, will both help finance clean-up actions with their donations.
So far, WFO has organised over twenty remediation actions from rivers, lakes, seas and oceans, thanks to the help of dedicated fishermen and industry partners/sponsors around the world. Several new projects are planned for 2019, while projects having started in 2018 will continue, all with the help of existing and new partners.
It comes as no surprise that many companies have started using recycled plastic to offer consumers more sustainable products. By connecting businesses with a trusted network of recyclers and converters, WFO enables companies to create innovative products that meet the highest standards of quality and safety, whilst contributing to a better future for our planet. As public awareness is increasing, WFO is confident in its capacity to develop more partnerships worldwide and engage in practically oriented actions to reduce the amount of litter.
Find out more on the companies that have recently partnered with our organisation here.
For more information on WFO, please email: contact@wastefreeoceans.org