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Waste Free Oceans Africa aims to raise awareness of the harmful effects of plastic waste pollution through educational initiatives and clean-up events across the continent. The objective is not only tackling waste, but also instilling a sense of respect and responsibility towards the environment.

On a bigger scale, WFO Africa aims to develop a funding proposal with local organizations for a project that will have a significant positive impact on local communities and support local economies. WFO Africa intends to develop plastic recycling facilities to support a circular economy all over Africa.

In  September 2020, WFO expanded its activities and launched WFO Africa.​

Waste Free Oceans Africa aims to raise awareness of the harmful effects of plastic waste pollution through educational initiatives and clean-up events across the continent. The objective is not only tackling waste, but also instilling a sense of respect and responsibility towards the environment.

On a bigger scale, WFO Africa aims to develop a funding proposal with local organisations for a project that will have a significant positive impact on local communities and support local economies. WFO Africa intends to develop plastic recycling facilities to support a circular economy all over Africa.

Where we have operated so far


WFO Africa currently operates with its African partners in the following countries:

  • South Africa

  • Kenya

  • Tanzania

  • Togo

  • Ivory Coast

  • Nigeria

  • Cameroon

  • Gabon

  • Ghana

  • Congo

  • Egypt

  • Equatorial Guinea



Moi Jeu Tri

In partnership with the Association « Moi Jeu Tri » and « Africa Global Recycling » in Togo and in Ivory Coast, we are supporting the establishment of a "Moi Jeu Tri" program in one school of Togo and we are creating an educational video around the protection of the ocean.


E2F Cameroon

Waste Free Oceans and E2F Foundation are

jointly organizing a clean-up event in Cameroon with a strong participation of local communities and E2F team members and its volunteers. 


  •  Consist of educational and cleaning operations as well as a live demonstration of the WFO trash catcher system in most of African countries.

  • Targeting schools and public authorities on how to collect litter in rivers and seas (coastal areas) as well as organizing beach clean-ups. 

  •  Demonstrating the practical aspects of using our WFO trawl and ensuring that the collected waste will be properly recycled in useful products to contribute to the new African circular economy for plastics.

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